
CaliTac- Calibration Management Software

Are you looking for a robust software platform to streamline calibration service management and certificate generation processes? Look no further than CaliTac, the ultimate solution designed to meet the rigorous requirements of ISO 17025 accreditation.

Instant Calibration Certificate Generation

Say goodbye to manual certificate preparation. CaliTac empowers you to instantly generate professional calibration certificates with just a few clicks, ensuring compliance and efficiency at every step.

Automated Uncertainty Calculation

CaliTac takes the guesswork out of uncertainty calculation. Our software automatically performs Type A and Type B uncertainty calculations based on reading tables, providing accurate and reliable results without the hassle.

Efficient Enquiry Management

CaliTac streamlined inquiry management system efficiently manages customer inquiries. From initial inquiries to follow-ups, our software ensures every opportunity is noticed, enhancing customer satisfaction and retention.

Comprehensive Calibration Records

 Maintain detailed records of all calibration activities effortlessly with CaliTac. Our software offers unparalleled visibility and control over your calibration processes, from complete instrument specifications to calibration history.

Seamless Service Request Handling

 Simplify service request handling with CaliTac. Our software allows customers to submit filled service request forms directly, automatically saving them for efficient processing ensuring no request falls through the cracks.

Effortless Instrument Tracking

 Use CaliTac inward and outward chalan management feature to track instrument movements effortlessly. Our software provides complete visibility into instrument status and location from receipt to return, ensuring accountability and traceability.

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Employee Record Management

Streamline employee record management with CaliTac's dedicated module. Easily maintain essential employee details, job responsibilities, work experience, training, skills matrix, and competency records.

Internal Audit Management

Efficiently manage internal audits with CaliTac. Schedule audits, record observations for each ISO 17025 clause, and seamlessly track corrective actions and root cause analyses, ensuring continual improvement and compliance.

NABL Quality Document Management

Ensure compliance with NABL quality standards effortlessly with CaliTac. Our software facilitates the maintenance of essential quality documents, including risk registers, non-conformance registers, and lists of records and documents.

Efficient Management Review Meetings

CaliTac facilitates management review meetings easily. Notifying all lab members, recording decisions and responsibilities, and capturing meeting minutes directly into the software ensures transparency and accountability.

Efficient Master Document Revisions

Stay up-to-date with master document revisions effortlessly with CaliTac. Our software simplifies the revision process for quality manuals, procedures, and calibration documents, ensuring compliance with ISO 17025 standards.

Customizable Settings for Report Numbers and Formats

Tailor CaliTac to your specific requirements with customizable settings for report numbers, vendor codes, format numbers, calibration certificate numbers, and more, ensuring seamless integration with your existing processes.